About Howland Research

Howland Research was founded in 1995, and its graphic analytical tools won four process patents for corporate clients in the next decade.  Subsequently, Howland’s turned to the challenge of the variant texts of Shakespeare’s Hamlet of which the sequence of creation of the texts had been debated for a century.  The format of Howland’s Text Research Toolset contributed to the resolution of the controversy. 

The award-winning Triple Anvil Press was created to publish the Text Research Toolset and other publications requiring non-standard formats, extensive use of color, premium materials, and limited production.  The Press won its first design award in 2008, and in 2014, The Brief Reign and Death of King Claudius, a play within the text of Shakespeare’s HAMLET won “Outstanding Book of the Year” recognition. Out of 5600 books from 11 countries entered in the Independent Publishers awards competition, nine won this distinction.

The pleasure of managing a small private press was illustrated when Allison (see bio) discovered the manuscript of a variant text of a 1790 Robert Burns prologue.  She managed the publication, for private distribution, of a scholarly analysis of the text by a University of Michigan research assistant.  At the time of this update, copies of the Triple Anvil Press KING RICHARD III are in the hands of a binder in North Carolina.

Howland Fine & Rare Books has served collectors since 1979. Private clients have included Dennis Conner and the late Briggs Cunningham, of America’s Cup fame.  Most clients have not been public figures.  Howland’s publishes rare book catalogues periodically as clients make significant collections available.  This activity is presently focused on Shakespearean and 18th century collections.

Howland Research has sponsored students for study in Europe and has established a scholarship in the Department of Theatre and Drama at the University of Michigan.