HAMLET Text Publications for Stage Script Planners and Theater Educators


An array of three book covers representing the "stage and script planners" group of publications. Each is more fully described at the linked page.

  1. The Howland Research Text of HAMLET A conflated text, primarily of the 2nd Quarto and Folio texts, with 158 variant word choices disputed by major editors, including charts of the choice for each by the editors of nine respected editions.
  2. The Brief Reign and Death of King Claudius, a play within the text of Shakespeare’s HAMLET Trade edition of the Independent Publishers 2014 “Outstanding Book of the Year.” (For more information, please see Limited Edition)
  3. Character Narratives available as digital downloads:

Graphic Tools

  1. The HAMLET Plot Element Grid for Stage Script Analysis and Development
  2. Text Graphic of the Narratives of Claudius, Gertrude, Horatio, Ophelia, and Laertes (22”x35”)